Collection: AA - Ann Anderson

Ann Anderson is the designer who founded Now that she has moved on to other things, here's what Ann has to say!

Well, I really wanted to be Wonder Woman; DC Comics. I am super tall and am past 50 and have a son and a daughter. I fell in love with quilting when I took a class from Sandy Fox at the Los Angeles Country Museum of Natural History in 1976. I made my first log cabin block and was hooked.

When I left graduate school in Biology, I thought of doing a quilt business and proceeded to make a lot of sample pillows, but I wasn't able to see how I could make a living at it. So, I went to work in the computer industry - selling and marketing. Quilting took a rest for about 10 years until was laid off - Oh no! Not me. I again took up quilting - to save my sanity. This time I did not put it down. I even finished the log cabin quilt started in 1976. It was for my daughter who was in kindergarten when I started. It was finally a high school graduation present.

I did go back to work in the computer industry for another ten years but also kept on quilting. When I created the Floating Amish pattern my guild was very encouraging, so I self published a book which has been selling on a limited basis. My guild also liked the photo transfers of the Sunbonnet Sues. With good feedback from my guild, I decided to do something I really wanted to do. It also occurred to me that there are many people - mostly women - who also have quilting patterns and ideas which are not being marketed. I could provide a place where they could also earn money doing something they love.