Collection: AC - Amarar Creacions - Catalina Barcelo Maimo

I am Catalina from Spain, an enthusiast of the crafts who has found in the fabrics and threads the best way to express her creativity.

From very young age, I grew up among the sewing machine, needles, fabrics, threads, metric tapes, etc. of my grandmother, a professional dressmaker all her life. So maybe something was thrown into my blood, although I focused on another area. I studied Economics and passed an opposition to enter to the public administration. I also do music studies and give classes for some time. Even so, the desire of creating has gone along with me all my life. After having my two children, I bought a sewing machine to get into the world of sewing and a few years later I decided to make a radical change in my life and create Amarar Creations. So, currently, I am an autonomous entrepreneur who tries to make her passion her work. Amarar Creations is my small business with which I can develop my creativity.

At the beginning of my sewing path, I started experimenting with different materials and creating an assortment of accessories like belts, bags, pillows, curtains, etc. However, when I discovered the world of quilting, I instantly fell in love with it. I started sewing quilts and experimenting with different techniques, especially Foundation Paper Piecing. As I always loved making my original designs, I started to create my own patterns and now it has become a part important of my business.