Meet Our Staff!

Meet Our Staff!

We think our staff here at QuiltWoman is pretty special. Apparently, we aren't the only ones! One of our talented designers recently sent us an e-mail saying:

"You know how proud I am of everyone and I think everyone should not only get some recognition, but more importantly give the public faces. Say when a customer calls and someone says, Carol speaking,.....they could have a face to go with the conversation. It is all the support that makes my product what it is. Perhaps everyone could write a paragraph on what they do along with the picture and put it on the web."

So we decided to do just that. A drum roll please. Introducing the staff at!





Nancy Dill is the heart, soul and owner of She is not only a quilter, designer and quilt shop owner, but she is also a CPA. This woman can do it all.

Nancy's been sewing since childhood, but in 2003, after attending the AQS Quilt Show in Paducah, Nancy decided that she wanted to design, teach quilting and travel. That led to Nancy publishing her own patterns. Becoming the owner of is the realization of a dream; the melding of all her loves into one business. We have no idea how she juggles all the hats she does, but she does it extraordinarily well.




Carol is our valued administrative assistant. If you call, chances are hers is the voice you are going to hear answer the phone. She has known Nancy for many, many years, but somehow is not yet a quilter. But since joining QuiltWoman, she feels like she has been bitten by the Quilting Bug. So who knows, she may be a quilter before we know it. Carol says she does love walking through the quilt store adjacent to us and looking at all the beautiful fabrics!




Debbie is our chief graphics designer. She takes input from the designers, turns the information into patterns, photographs the quilts, and on and on and on. When not sitting at her computer, you can usually find her at home tending to her menagerie. She has 3 dogs, 3 cats, 5 chinchillas, 3 goats, 4 bunnies, 1 bearded dragon, 2 ducks and an assortment of fish. She'd really really like an African Grey Parrot, but that's in negotiations right now. Debbie also has an incredible skull collection. She's sort of a natural history geek




Jessica, one of our graphic designers, makes up the other half of the "Art Department" at While only a beginning quilter, she has been sewing and crafting ever since she learned to say "fabric." Jessica also has a fascination for all things Asian, spending her time outside the sewing world concocting recipes with an Asian twist and keeping on top of her Japanese language skills.

Ann is an accountant at, but she also proofs patterns and answers customer questions. She is married and has two handsome sons and a brilliant daughter-in-law. She really loves to make quilts, especially hand quilting. But her very favorite thing to do is to buy fabric! She's our kind of gal!
Sarah is the accountant in the group that makes sure every thing is mathematically correct. She is a busy Mom of two small children and currently does not quilt. But Sarah says she may try it in the future when she has extra time (in about 20 years we figure). Sarah does enjoy the beauty of quilts, which is a good thing since she is surrounded by quilters!
Mary Lou

 Mary Lou

 Mary Lou

If you buy a kit from us, chances are Mary Lou was the one that cut the fabric and assembled the kit. Mary Lou has been sewing for 50 years and quilting for the last 35. Now that her 5 children are grown, she keeps busy sewing and embroidering for her 7 grandchildren. She especially enjoys making sweatshirt jackets and embroidering them because as she says, you have only so many walls to decorate but you can always decorate yourself. In her opinion, working with all the beautiful fabrics and assembling the kits is a dream come true.



Corinne is our web master, blogger, and resident computer geek. She's been sewing since she was 13 and still fondly remembers the first flat felled seam she constructed at that age. She's now amazed she ever wore those pants in public ! Corinne took up quilting in the early 90's and has been hooked ever since. After working as a process control engineer for 23 years, she wandered over into the software side of things and is thrilled to be able to merge her love of technology with quilting. Can you say "Dream Job?"

So that's everyone in the office. We strive everyday to provide you with quality products and premiere customer service. Don't hesitate to call us at anytime. We are here for you!

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