Barb, Nancy, Vicki and Mark Lapinski at Quilt Market!

Let’s just say this, Quilt Market was AWESOME! The new attendees on the QuiltWoman staff were awestruck. We put in some long days, but it was worth it. For those of you who know what Quilt Market is, skip to the next paragraph. For those who don’t, here’s the 411. Quilt Market and Quilt Festival are the back-to-back shows held every October by Quilts, Inc. Quilt Market is a trade show where vendors show their wares and quilt shops and distributors can view them. This is followed by Quilt Festival, a trade show which is open to the public. Along side both of these is a juried show of some of the best quilts of the quilting world.

The booth had a booth at Quilt Market. Because we had 57 new patterns to introduce, we needed four, count’em, four booths! We displayed samples of all the new patterns and had them for sale. Working with the staff of QuiltWoman were two of our quilt designers, Barb Sackel and Toby Lischko. Jen Eskridge was also there, demonstrating her Seamingly Accurate Seam Guide. To add to the excitement, we raffled off ALL 57 of our new patterns to a quilt shop. The winner of the patterns was Rachael’s Fine Fabrics & Quilting in Lubbock, Texas. Congratulations! Let us know when you have them all stitched up! But enough of that…what was hot and what was not? As far as goes, our new patterns Hopscotch and Minnie Pinstripes sold out! Also getting a lot of attention were our Seasonal Placemats and all of our 4-in-1 patterns. The Seamingly Accurate was selling like hot cakes and has been picked up by a number of national distributors. Jen, the brains behind Seamingly Accurate, was dancing in the aisles!

Barb, Nancy, Vicki and Mark Lapinski

Barb, Nancy, Vicki and Mark Lipinski

We didn’t just live in our booth however. We took time to peruse the booths of other vendors. We saw the awesome new AccuQuilt GO! (more on that here). The newest Moda fabrics were HOT, especially at Sample Spree where the fabric was cheap, cheap, cheap! In addition, any patterns that lent themselves to kitting or charm squares were also very popular. A hot trend we picked up on is embellishments. Anything you could sew through and wash was being applied to quilts and apparel. Hillcreek Designs' buttons were great. Beads, threads, yarns, ribbons, leather and fabric scraps were also showing up. There was a lot of couching going on too (if you are thinking sofas when you read “couching”, visit here to see what we are talking about). Creative apparel was getting some attention. We saw some incredible jackets by Londa’s Creative Threads. The Junk Jeans People were using old jeans to make jackets. They had some very unusual techniques involving a drill and bleach. Bags and totes were hot too. Much more info on these will be forthcoming in future blogs. Finally, we have to name drop. We had dinner one night with Mark Lipinski of Quilter’s Home. Yes, he is as entertaining in person as he is in his magazine. We got a personal tour of Judy Murrah’s sewing room (she’s the author of the Jacket Jazz series). And we had access to Marie Osmond, Ricky Tims, and Nancy Zieman.

So Quilt Market is over and this is being written while sitting in the airport waiting to fly home. We made a lot of new friends, including a good number from New Zealand and Australia. We have a lot of new ideas brewing. Our designers’ heads are spinning with all the new ideas they have. Quilt Market is going to result in a lot of new patterns and products for you! 

Grant, Barb, Nancy, Vicki & Corinne

Grant, Barb, Nancy, Vicki & Corinne

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