Start Quilting!

Start Quilting!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="253"] Sewing Machine Covers[/caption] The start of a new year is the perfect time to get organized so you can start quilting and sewing more. This article by Morna McEver Golletz, the founder of the International Association of Creative Arts Professionals inspires me to stop finding reasons to put off those projects I want to do and start quilting more! Maybe it will inspire you too. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240"]
 Flip Flop Dot[/caption] Take a look around your studio or home office. How much fabric and paint are lining your studio shelves? Or packed away because you ran out of room? How many books do you see? Do you house even more on your Kindle? How much more do you think you need before you can start to create what your heart is calling you to create? I know all about hunting and gathering all the information you can. You think if you learn more, you will know more, and what you create will be even better. You think you are missing that one fabric that will make the difference in what you create, when all along what you need is right in front of you. If you take one more class, then you will have enough to really master that painting technique. And on, and on. [caption id="attachment_1997" align="aligncenter" width="215"]
 Twisted Nickel Blog Post[/caption] Problem is you don’t need all that. What you need is already right under your nose. The answers to your questions, the missing fabric, the skills, the knowledge; it’s all right there for the taking. You just need to put aside the desire for more and take advantage of what is right in front of you. How do I know this? Easy. I have been there. I would order a book thinking it might have something I needed, or more appropriately, some bit of knowledge I lacked. Or I put off starting a project because I needed that perfect fabric. Obviously the exploding shelves weren’t enough. [caption id="attachment_1998" align="aligncenter" width="253"]
 Seahorse Quilt Pattern[/caption] I got in this mode last week when I was working on our new Business Building Program. Funny thing is I didn’t need anything. I just needed to make the decision to start. So do you need to start quilting? Stop the hunting and gathering? Have a little bit of faith. Sit down and start to create. I would love to hear your thoughts...      


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