Sewing Projects for Beginning Quilters (and Girl Scouts)

I've always been one to encourage non-quilters to take up quilting. It's just part of the passion of quilting! So it's not surprising that as the leader of a Girl Scout Troop, I have been trying to talk the girls into do a sewing badge. I seem to have finally succeeded. We've been meeting at our local quilt shop weekly over the summer to work on our various projects.

What projects are good for beginner quilters?

I found this terrific blog posting at Quilting Lessons Online. It's got some great beginner projects suitable for everyone, not just Girl Scouts. But I was pleased to see it listed some of the exact projects I had my scouts doing.

So go find a quilter-wanna-be and see if you can talk them into an afternoon of sewing. Bribe them if you have to. I found the promise of donuts will convince my Girl Scouts to get out of bed in the summer to sew!

Girl Scout Badges

If you are a Girl Scout Leader, here are a couple of sewing related badges you won't find in any of the Girl Scout books. You can buy the badges on-line once they have been earned.

Quilt-It Badge - Sahuaro Girl Scout Quilting Project. Has badges for all age levels.

Sew Glam IP - IP level only. Great for those who are creative.

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