quilt show

How to Bring MORE Fabric Home From the Quilt Show


quilt show

With the International Quilt Festival taking place next month in Houston (November 2nd-5th.), we are all thinking about finding ways to bring more fabric home from the quilt show. Here is how to bring more fabric home from the quilt show.

Outsmart everyone- How to Bring More Fabric Home From the Quilt Show

Next time you are cleaning out your closet, think twice before you toss out those old clothes. Now that the airlines are limiting the amount of luggage you can take and making it more expensive to pack heavy items like fabric, a little advance planning can help you beat them at their own game. Whether you are flying or driving, getting that extra suitcase (the one you bought while out of town at the show) past the eagle eye of your significant other and payer of the credit card bills, will no longer be necessary.

quilt show

Here’s the plan: Take all those almost worn out or out-of-date clothes and save them in a box labeled “travelling clothes”. These are the clothes you wear on the plane or in the car because they are all broken in and comfortable. So what if they were on their way to the rag bag – you’re never going to see those people on the plane or in the rest stops again anyway. Keep your goal in mind and your priorities straight! Now if you are working at the show setting up and taking down booths, you can use some of those old clothes as work clothes too. Nobody cares how ratty you look on setup days. OK, so now you have packed as few nice wardrobe items as possible only for the days the show is actually open, leaving as much room as possible for fabric and goodies to bring home. But it’s never enough, is it? Until you ditch all those old clothes you didn't want any more into the nearest Salvation Army bin or dumpster at the hotel and voila! More room for fabric! Here is a handy planning chart you can take to the show: 1 pr. bikini panties = 1 fat quarter 1 pr. granny panties = 3 fat quarters 1 bra A-C cup = 1 fat quarter 1 bra D+ cup = 2 fat quarters 1 pr. socks = 1 fat quarter 1 t-shirt Sm.-Lg. = 3 fat quarters 1 t-shirt XL+ = 1 yd. 1 pr. jeans/sweatpants = 2-3 yds. Do you want more great ideas like these delivered to your inbox? You can sign up for our newsletter here! 

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