
How Pinteresting- Great Ways to Use Pinterest

Do you use Pinterest to gather and share ideas? We love this highly visual and inspiring site. Here are some Great Ways to use Pinterest.

Great Ways to Use Pinterest

For those of you who don't know, Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as recipes, DIY projects and fashion ideas. Pinterest makes it easy to keep track of all the great inspiration you find on the web. No more printing things out emailing them to yourself or even bookmarking. Anything you find across the web can be easily pinned onto "boards" you create and name yourself.

How to get started

Once you set up your Pinterest account, you will be able to find and follow friends easily. When your friends or those you follow add pins, they will show up in your Pinterest feed. We like to use Pinterest to find and gather inspiration. Some examples of our boards include Paper Piecing, Food and Recipe Ideas and Quilting Places and Spaces. We chose the names of these boards and add pins that fit these categories frequently.

Share Pinteresting Ideas with Others

Did you cook the most amazing Italian sausage last night? Do you want to share your latest quilt project? Did you recently reorganize your quilting supplies in an interesting way and want to share this with your Pinterest followers? The most important aspect of sharing an original pin is the photography. Taking photos of your latest creation in natural lighting on a solid contrasting background is the simplest way to produce a great pin. If you can take a photo of your work in a "staged" setting that is all the better. Pinterest will walk you through pinning your photographs onto your boards. If you wish to pin ideas you come across on blogs, online catalogs and other places onto your boards, you can do that as well.

Want to learn something new- Use Pinterest!

So let's say you want to learn machine applique to use in your quilting projects. You can search for "machine applique" and be directed to hundreds of pins that go to blogs, tutorials and instructions using this technique. Want to get ideas for healthy lunches for next weeks office lunch menu? Search for "healthy lunch ideas." We like using Pinterest as a quick one-stop shop for inspiration.

Avoid the Pinterest Pit-falls

Be warned that Pinterest is very addictive. You log in, start pinning and before you know it, hours can gone by. I like to use Pinterest while waiting on appointments to start or when I have a 10-15 minutes to kill. It's the new way to leaf through a magazine. There is a mobile application available for smart phones that make it easy to take Pinterest with you. Pinterest will flag pins that lead to inappropriate or suspicious sources for you. And you can report pins that you find to Pinterest as well. Join us on Pinterest. We would love to see what your pinning! NancySignature
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