Welcome to a New Designer

Welcome to a New Designer

Bound To Be Quilting is excited to be part of the team at QuiltWoman.com. We
work almost daily either designing, writing, or sewing up patterns - it's become
our life! We are currently working with five fabric companies to provide them and
you with unique designs, and we also are featured in various quilting
magazines. We hope you find our patterns unique, interesting and easy to
follow. We are available to answer any questions you may have on them and
usually respond to emails within the same day.

Each quilt we design has a story behind it and by selecting one of our patterns
and adding your touch, you can make a quilt that's special for you or a
loved one. We hope you find Bound to Be Quilting designs new and exciting and
will share the information about our company with your friends. Stay tuned, stay
healthy and enjoy this great hobby of quilting.

-Pat Syta and Mimi Hollenbaugh

Below is just a sampling of BTBQ patterns. You can learn more about the designers of Bound To Be Quilting and view their full line of patterns here.

Happy Quilting!

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